Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Great Expectations

What does God expect us to do for other cultures and faiths?

He expects us to tell others from different cultures and faiths about Him. The fact that He expects, and does not merely want us, to tell others about Him means we have an obligation to do it. Of course, this doesn't mean we have to all be missionaries and go find never before contacted tribes, we can still tell others about God in our own way (and I know that sounds cliche, but it's still true).

When approaching those from different backgrounds, God does not want us to be rude or condescending in any way. Because these people have different standards and ways of life, we cannot judge them (God even tells us we can't). Instead, we should approach them kindly and with an open-mind. We have to remember that these people may have never heard about Christianity before and that maybe they have, and they've already rejected it.

In any case, we have to always show through our actions and words that there is a way to live life, in God, that is the True way. And, yes, I know people of different faiths probably think that their way of living life is the best too (that's why everyone has different faiths, right?), but we, as Christians, have to show that God is really the only way. I know non-Christians are probably thinking right now, 'What makes you so high and mighty that you can declare that God is the "only way?"' Let me just emphasize the phrase "we, as Christians." Of course I'm going to say that God is the only way. If I didn't believe that, why would I even include myself in the "we" and say that God is the Truth?

I know sometimes Christians get carried away and turn "preachy," but I think God just wants us to reflect Him in everything we do. And I don't mean going around and proclaiming, "I'm a Christian. I love God. I'm happy," but just in everything we do, do it so people can see that we're different, that there's something about us that makes us stand out.

It's hard living to up to expectations sometimes, though, don't you think?


Veronica Youn Kang said...

The "great expectations" that God expects for us is simple but means a lot to the others, especially who need God's gospel to change their life. The world is going around in a way so that focuses on people, humans, fulfilling desires, and satisfactions. Because of that, it is getting even more harder to open our minds to God. Just like you have written in your blog, I also think being open-minded and respecting is very important when we are fulfilling the "Great Expectations" that God has set up for us. To be simple and explain the this expectations in one word, I think it is Jesus. Jesus is the one who had died for our sins, who preached and taught his disciples and people God's words, and what is right and wrong. He has gone through so many temptations, sufferings, ignorance, and betrayal but He has fulfilled His own great expectations by doing that. We as imperfect humans surely cannot do the same thing like Jesus did ;however I'm sure spreading Jesus will definitely take the place of fulfilling the "Great Expections".

And Ihnye, your last sentence made me say "Awwww.." out loud.